Thursday, 25 October 2012

Letting Views do the Work

non-SQL developers look away now....

Businesses need to know how they're doing on any given day. 
Any financial reporting system will have comparisons of the current month, quarter or year against it's previous respective time periods in order to track it's KPI values.

The key dates used in these comparisons move all the time and one easy way to configure any reporting output is by using views. 

The DBA Developer can create a view such as the one below which returns only one row. This row consists of four dates: first and last day of the current month and the first and last day of the previous month. 

Each of the four dates are constructed by building a string using combination the DATEPART and DATEADD functions which are then converted to a date time format.

create view vw_key_report_dates
select    convert(datetime,'01-' + right('0' + cast(datepart(MM,dbo.dt_notime()) as varchar(2)),2) + '-'
            + cast(datepart(YYYY,dbo.dt_notime()) as varchar(4)),105) as curr_mon_first_dy
             ,dateadd(m,1,convert(datetime,'01-' + right('0' + cast(datepart(MM,dbo.dt_notime()) as varchar(2)),2) + '-'
            + cast(datepart(YYYY,dbo.dt_notime()) as varchar(4)),105))-1 as curr_mon_last_dy
            ,dateadd(m,-1,convert(datetime,'01-' + right('0' + cast(datepart(MM,dbo.dt_notime()) as varchar(2)),2) + '-'
            + cast(datepart(YYYY,dbo.dt_notime()) as varchar(4)),105)) as prev_mon_first_dy
            ,dateadd(d,-1,convert(datetime,'01-' + right('0' + cast(datepart(MM,dbo.dt_notime()) as varchar(2)),2) + '-'
            + cast(datepart(YYYY,dbo.dt_notime()) as varchar(4)),105)) as prev_mon_last_dy

select *
from vw_key_report_dates

curr_mon_first_dy    curr_mon_last_dy  prev_mon_first_day   prev_mon_last_dy
2012-10-01 00:00     2012-10-31 00:00  2012-09-01 00:00     2012-09-30 00:00

(1 row(s) affected)

This view becomes useful when extended to define quarters, years and any accounting periods that the business may be. It also becomes useful to the developer as they can let the view take care of setting the key dates in their reporting system by taking advantage of the always moving the database server's system date. This ensures that the view moves in time with the business.

The simple report below returns the total revenue value for the previous month. It does this by using an exotic join between the revenue table and the view joining on the range of dates required set as prev_mon_first_day and  prev_mon_last_dy.

select sum(rev_value) as total_last_month
from revenue_table rt
join vw_key_report_dates vw 
on rt.rev_date between prev_mon_first_day and prev_mon_last_dy

I hope this helps :)


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